How to Make Your Makeup Last All Day: Tips and Tricks

How to Make Your Makeup Last All Day: Tips and Tricks

Whether you’re a mom on the go, a businesswoman running from meeting to meeting, or just someone who loves makeup, it’s important to know how to make your makeup last all day. The right combination of products can help your eye shadow stay put, your blush look fresh at the end of the workday, and your lipstick stay matte through dinner with friends. And since we’re all busy women (and men), searching for ways to apply our makeup faster and better is always necessary. Here are some tips and tricks that’ll help you get started:

Apply a primer.

The first step to making your makeup last all day is to apply primer. A good primer will help your foundation go on smoother, keep it in place and last longer.

Primers come in different formulas – some are silicone-based, others are water-based – but they all have one thing in common: They help lock down your base so that it stays put for hours without smudging or fading away.

Set your foundation with powder.

To make sure your foundation lasts all day, set it with powder. Use a powder that matches your skin tone and apply it with a brush in circular motions. Don’t apply too much or else you’ll end up looking cakey!

Add some moisture with a hydrating primer.

  • Use a hydrating primer under foundation or concealer.
  • Use a hydrating primer under eyeshadow, lipstick and glosses.
  • Use a hydrating primer under blush for extra staying power!

Make sure everything matches.

When you’re wearing makeup, it’s important to make sure that everything matches. A good way to do this is by using a color wheel. You can find these in any art supply store or online–they’re cheap and easy to use! Simply choose colors that complement each other, whether they be complementary (colors directly across from each other) or analogous (colors next to one another).

Once you’ve chosen your base colors, make sure they match with everything else on your face: foundation and concealer should both match; blush should match lipstick; eyeshadow should match eyeliner. If something doesn’t seem like it would go together when using the color wheel method but still looks good on its own, try pairing it with something else in an upcoming step below!

Keep your eyeshadow in place all day.

  • If you’re looking to keep your eyeshadow in place all day, use a primer.
  • If you want to make sure your eyeshadow stays in place for hours and hours, use a base (or primer).
  • For extra staying power when it comes to your eye makeup, set with a setting spray. This will help lock down any loose powder or pigment so that it won’t crease or fade throughout the day!

Use concealer to cover redness and blemishes.

In addition to using foundation, you can use concealer to cover redness and blemishes. Concealer is a good choice if your skin is particularly dry or oily. It’s also helpful for those who are prone to acne breakouts or have large pores on their face.

Concealer should be applied in thin layers so that it doesn’t look cakey or thick on your face once blended out into the skin. It should be applied after foundation but before powdering; this way, any excess product will be easy enough to remove with a brush or tissue when you’re finished blending everything together! Additionally, don’t forget about applying concealer under eye area: this area tends not only get dark circles but also fine lines around it–concealer will help cover both these issues up nicely!

Work on your eyebrows beforehand.

  • Get the right tools.
  • Fill in gaps and create shape with a brow pencil.
  • Brush your brows into place with a spoolie brush, which looks like a mascara wand with short bristles on one end and is used to comb through the hairs of your eyebrows to keep them looking neat and tidy.
  • Use an eyebrow gel or powder to set them into place once they’re brushed into shape; both options will help keep your brows from getting smudged throughout the day, but gels tend to be more waterproof than powders–so if you have oily skin like me, go with powder!

Use lip primer under lipstick or gloss for extra staying power.

If you’re not sure how to get your lipstick or gloss to stay on all day, try using a lip primer under it. Lip primers are designed to help keep your color in place, and they work by creating a barrier between your lips and the rest of the world (including food!). This helps prevent feathering–when the edges of your lipstick spread outwards–and bleeding, which occurs when darker colors move around on top of lighter ones.

The best part about using a lip primer is that it becomes invisible once applied; you can even apply another layer over top if necessary without worrying about looking clownish!

When you know how to make your makeup last all day, you can get more done and have more fun!

Here are some tips:

  • Use the right products. Makeup lasts longer when you use the right products for your skin type and what kind of look you’re going for. For example, if you have oily skin or live in a humid climate, stick with powder foundation instead of liquid or cream-based foundation (unless it’s specially formulated for oily/combo skin). If your goal is full coverage with minimal effort required on behalf of the brush applicator (like me), then go ahead and try out Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Concealer ($38). It does exactly what its name implies: covers up dark circles under eyes like magic! But wait–don’t forget about lips! When choosing which lipstick shade will best complement their complexion and eye color combination, women should keep in mind that colors that are too light will wash them out while colors that are too dark might make them look tired all day long.”


When it comes to makeup, there are so many products out there that it can be overwhelming to find the one that works best for you. We hope these tips have helped guide you in the right direction. Remember that there is no one right way of doing things–what matters most is what works for your unique skin type and style preferences! So go ahead, experiment with some new techniques. You might just find yourself falling in love with them all over again.

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